Lets cross beyond the limits of the sky!!!!
Colonization of Mars
Human beings have always aspired to explore and colonize other planets. But our technological advancements are not that much higher to...
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Massive Quasar Outflow
Astronomers have discovered a quasar with the most massive outflow ever seen. Quasars are bright galactic centers powered by superma...
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Procyon - the Binary Star of Canis Minor
Procyon, the seventh brightest star in the night sky is located in the Canis Minor constellation. It is the brightest star in its ...
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Arcturus - The Fourth brightest star in the sky
There are various constellations in this universe and countless number of stars and star systems. One such constellation is the Boo...
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Wolf 359 - the red dwarf of Leo Constellation
Wolf 359 is the name of the red dwarf that is located in the Leo Constellation, near ecliptic. Discovered by the German astronomer Max...
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Alpha Centauri - The Brightest Star in the Centaurus Constellation
There are countless stars and innumerable number of constellations in the space. Have you ever wondered about the brightest star in the...
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Dr. Ragbir Bhathal explains the light signal from Gliese 581g
A mysterious light was spotted in the newly discovered Gliese 581g . The important point is that this new planet lies in the Goldilock...
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Expanding Space
If time is considered as an entity, then the other entity is always the space. The boundless dimensional extent at which any object o...
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Time - A true paradox
"Time and tide wait for none" We are in the universe where time plays ...
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Olympus Mons - The shield volcano
The tallest known mountain in the entire solar system in on the red planet Mars. Olympus Mons, the large volcanic mountain measures up...
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The Rings of Saturn
Saturn is the second largest planet in our solar system after Jupiter. It is the sixth planet from the Sun and is a gas giant. Famous...
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Enceladus - the Moon of Saturn
Enceladus is the sixth largest moon of Saturn. Discovered in 1789 by British Astronomer and technical expert William Herschel. Very lit...
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Comet Halley - The Periodic Comet
Whenever we pronounce the word comet, the first name that appears in our minds is the Halley's comet. Named after Edmond Halley, w...
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Colonization of Moon
It was proposed for the establishing permanent human settlements on the moon. And it has been the hot topic in the recent years especia...
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Volcanoes on venus
Venus has more volcanoes than any other planet in the solar system. Over 1600 major volcanoes or volcanic features are known, and there ar...
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A mysterious light spotted in the newly discovered Gliese 581 Star System
A mysterious pulse of light was picked up from the direction of newly discovered earth like planet almost two years ago. A scientist, ...
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Gliese 581g - a new planet like Earth
Astronomers have found a planet that is in the Goldilocks zone- just right for life. It is in the same Gliese star system like the other...
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Neptune - the ice giant
Neptune is the eighth and farthest planet from the Sun in the Solar System. Named for the Roman god of the sea, it is the fourth-larges...
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'Hot Jupiter' planets might not have moons
Hundreds of large, hot, Jupiter-class planets have been discovered orbiting stars outside our solar system. They are called "hot Ju...
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Auroras occur on the icy planet of Uranus
The recent images taken by the Hubble space telescope has featured auroras on the icy planet of Uranus. Uranus is the seventh pl...
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Planets ride at Warp speed tossed from the galaxy
Planets in tight orbits around stars that get ejected from our galaxy may actually themselves be tossed out of the Milky Way at blistering...
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Dr. Michio Kaku talks about Teleportation
Dr. Michio Kaku explains about Teleportation and its possibilities..
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Saturn's Gravity Warps Icy Moon's Erupting Jets
The strong pull of Saturn's gravity stretches and strains huge cracks on one of the planet's icy moons that spray icy, geyser-li...
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Dark Energy may not exist in space
Dark Energy and Dark Matter might not exist and the Old model is a flaw. British scientists have claimed that the method used to calcul...
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Titan has a potential for life.
As we all know that Ttian, one of the moons of Saturn have a potential for life. It is the only moon in our solar system known to posses...
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A Neutron Star with a Wake
Neutron stars are formed when large stars run out of fuel and collapse. When a star of more or less 1.5 solar mass collapses inwar...
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"What is Dark Matter ? " by Dr.Michio Kaku
Dr.Michio Kaku gives his opinions on What Dark Matter is ?. As he says, noble prize awaits people who comes up with an explanation f...
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Dark Energy
No one can actually see it. No one knows what it is like or how it works. But, after a five-year study of 200,000 galaxies, scientist...
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Procyon - the Binary Star of Canis Minor
Procyon, the seventh brightest star in the night sky is located in the Canis Minor constellation. It is the brightest star in its ...
Arcturus - The Fourth brightest star in the sky
There are various constellations in this universe and countless number of stars and star systems. One such constellation is the Boo...
Colonization of Mars
Human beings have always aspired to explore and colonize other planets. But our technological advancements are not that much higher to...
A mysterious light spotted in the newly discovered Gliese 581 Star System
A mysterious pulse of light was picked up from the direction of newly discovered earth like planet almost two years ago. A scientist, ...
Wolf 359 - the red dwarf of Leo Constellation
Wolf 359 is the name of the red dwarf that is located in the Leo Constellation, near ecliptic. Discovered by the German astronomer Max...
Dr. Ragbir Bhathal explains the light signal from Gliese 581g
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Evolution of a Star
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Alpha Centauri - The Brightest Star in the Centaurus Constellation
There are countless stars and innumerable number of constellations in the space. Have you ever wondered about the brightest star in the...
Neptune - the ice giant
Neptune is the eighth and farthest planet from the Sun in the Solar System. Named for the Roman god of the sea, it is the fourth-larges...
Blog archive
Colonization of Mars
Massive Quasar Outflow
Procyon - the Binary Star of Canis Minor
Arcturus - The Fourth brightest star in the sky
Wolf 359 - the red dwarf of Leo Constellation
Alpha Centauri - The Brightest Star in the Centaur...
Dr. Ragbir Bhathal explains the light signal from ...
Expanding Space
Time - A true paradox
Olympus Mons - The shield volcano
The Rings of Saturn
Enceladus - the Moon of Saturn
Comet Halley - The Periodic Comet
Colonization of Moon
Volcanoes on venus
A mysterious light spotted in the newly discovered...
Gliese 581g - a new planet like Earth
Neptune - the ice giant
'Hot Jupiter' planets might not have moons
Auroras occur on the icy planet of Uranus
Planets ride at Warp speed tossed from the galaxy
Dr. Michio Kaku talks about Teleportation
Saturn's Gravity Warps Icy Moon's Erupting Jets
Dark Energy may not exist in space
Titan has a potential for life.
A Neutron Star with a Wake
"What is Dark Matter ? " by Dr.Michio Kaku
Dark Energy
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